My favorite thing about 3D Printing – pt 2

A few days ago I found my kid's headphones on the floor - the right earphone was dangling awkwardly away from the headband. It got stepped on, or dropped, or something like that. The plastic piece that held the earphone in place was shattered. There was a time where I would have thought it beyond hope, but I live in the future - I bet I could 3D Print a [...]

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Blurring the Lines in Digital Content Shifting

I ran into a dilemma today that I never expected to run into and it has to do with fairness when it comes to digital property. I'm an advocate of time-shifting and [...]

I’m in a Show

A couple of months ago, I decided to try out for a musical my church is putting on. I have been cast in the part of Charlie Davenport in "Annie Get Your Gun". We have 3 [...]

Last Minute Halloween

I've always been very taken with Halloween setups. The orchestration, the excitement, and creativity all lead to a fun expression of the holiday. Halloween has taken it's [...]

My First Printed Plastic Part

I have been working at this for months. A couple of years ago, I found out about the RepRap project. The idea behind the reprap (if you haven't talked to me recently) is to [...]

A Beginner’s guide to making an Arduino Shield PCB

(This tutorial has gotten really popular recently, and I'm very pleased that so many people are interested. I learned all of this stuff while working on my first PCB. If [...]

My very first PCB

That is to say, my first PCB that I actually designed. I recently began attending a bi-weekly electronics hobbiest group call Dorkbot PDX. It's basically an opportunity for [...]

Eagle3D on a Mac when POVray won’t work…

So you just finished your first PCB in Eagle. Good job. Me too actually, and after a few days I came across something very cool. Eagle3D. Eagle3D takes your Eagle .brd file [...]

Nissan LEAF Colors

There's been a lot of wondering I think, about whether or not the Nissan LEAF EV was going to offered in anything other than that blueish color they've been parading around. [...]

But *my* phone already does that…

Today was the iPhone OS 4 announcement/meeting/thing - Basically a press conference for Apple to tell the world how awesome they are. This is not an uncommon thing and the [...]

Building a 3D printer

I should start out by warning you that this is not a build-log. My friend Isaac reminded me that before we started this project, this was blogging gold, and he didn't have a [...]