Category: Useful

  • Bash Command Prompt Flair on a Mac

    Bash Command Prompt Flair on a Mac

    A couple of months ago I was going through Apple’s Introduction to Swift, wherein they mentioned that Swift’s support of unicode allowed that you could use emoji as variable names. They were quick to point out that it was a bad practice, and you shouldn’t do it, but it was kind of fun. More recently,…

  • Plex, Synology, and the dreaded “Video Unavailable”

    Going to skip the usual stuff at the top here and get straight to it1: Plex is a super-cool, easy-to-use, everywhere media server. Lots of people use it, and lots of people like it. We recently moved our library from an old home-built NAS running FreeNAS to a Synology DSM box. It broke.

  • A Beginner’s guide to making an Arduino Shield PCB

    (This tutorial has gotten really popular recently, and I’m very pleased that so many people are interested. I learned all of this stuff while working on my first PCB. If you’re interested, I’ve started to sell the most recent version of my Arduino ProtoShield. If you’re making a shield, have fun and good luck!. If…

  • Eagle3D on a Mac when POVray won’t work…

    So you just finished your first PCB in Eagle. Good job. Me too actually, and after a few days I came across something very cool. Eagle3D. Eagle3D takes your Eagle .brd file and renders it as a 3D image, so you get to see the board in a photorealstic way. (I think I’ve been saving…

  • Nissan LEAF Colors

    There’s been a lot of wondering I think, about whether or not the Nissan LEAF EV was going to offered in anything other than that blueish color they’ve been parading around. Well, today the LEAF reservation email came today and one of the steps they offered was to choose your reservation color. Since the question…

  • Y’know, that one song… from the 50’s?

    So last night I was looking for a song that I’ve heard a million times, but have never known the name of. It’s an instrumental, and I’m pretty confident that you’ve heard it too. I would describe it as a sort of peppy, upbeat, 50’s ad spot background theme. Lots of sticatto plucking of strings.…

  • Arduino Starter Rundown – Part 2

    Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at I invite you to check it out there. When I wrote the first part of this series, I didn’t plan for it to be a series. I was just thinking about a couple of Electronics companies that I like…

  • Arduino Starter Rundown

    Update: A useful comparison chart of Arduino Starter kits has been posted (by me) at I invite you to check it out there. If you don’t know already, I am a huge fan of the Arduino. Arduino is the name of Microcontroller kit. It’s open source, easy to learn, and a great way to…

  • My Macbook Mini

    “MacBook Mini” is a name that has been attached to making a hackintosh out of a Dell Mini 9 (or a Vostro A90… same machine really). When Hykel decided to fly out to Utah to help with some family stuff, and she needed a method of scanning, we decided to splurge (at $300 it wasn’t…

  • The garage you’ve always wanted: TechShop Portland

    A few years back I started to get more nerdy than I had ever been. By more nerdy, I mean that I began to take an interest in a wide variety of things that leaned on the technical and electronic side. I became interested in making, modeling, and very much the “DIY” (Do-It-Yourself) mentality about…