Author: aeiche

A Beginner’s guide to making an Arduino Shield PCB

(This tutorial has gotten really popular recently, and I'm very pleased that so many people are interested. I learned all of this stuff while working on my [...]

My very first PCB

That is to say, my first PCB that I actually designed. I recently began attending a bi-weekly electronics hobbiest group call Dorkbot PDX. It's basically an [...]

Eagle3D on a Mac when POVray won’t work…

So you just finished your first PCB in Eagle. Good job. Me too actually, and after a few days I came across something very cool. Eagle3D. Eagle3D takes your [...]

Nissan LEAF Colors

There's been a lot of wondering I think, about whether or not the Nissan LEAF EV was going to offered in anything other than that blueish color they've been [...]

But *my* phone already does that…

Today was the iPhone OS 4 announcement/meeting/thing - Basically a press conference for Apple to tell the world how awesome they are. This is not an uncommon [...]

Building a 3D printer

I should start out by warning you that this is not a build-log. My friend Isaac reminded me that before we started this project, this was blogging gold, and he [...]

Y’know, that one song… from the 50’s?

So last night I was looking for a song that I've heard a million times, but have never known the name of. It's an instrumental, and I'm pretty confident that [...]

SparkFun Free Day Fallout.

Well, I tried, and everybody I know tried. None of us made it. It's unfortunate, but I don't think any of us are going to die. If you haven't heard about [...]

Weekend Project: Tree-Waterer

Christmas is upon us, and we have gotten ourselves a Christmas tree. My wife and I are dedicated Tree-Killers Live-Christmas-Tree-Advocates. We just like the [...]

Being a lousy advocate: Me and DRM

DRM, You've probably heard of it. Digital Rights Management. Bane of legitimate users, irritant of illigitimate users, hopeful tool of content owners. By those [...]