This past Wednesday, I had the opportunity to go see Cory Doctorow (arguably my favorite author) on the local stop of his tour for his new book Homeland. He [...]
My wife works at our local public Library. We started visiting there more recently and I was once again struck at the accessibility and amount of information [...]
For the past few years, my brother and I have been pranking each other a bit when it comes to gifts. It took on a rather peculiar theme a couple of years ago [...]
Sometime before Thanksgiving we (Hykel and I) agreed to bring bread to Thanksgiving Dinner. Rolls, specifically. I figured when we'd agreed to it that we [...]
I was going to say that this is the nerdiest thing I've done in public in a while. But I was presenting at MakerFaire just a couple of months ago, so I guess [...]
I got my first cell phone in 2005. It was a Nokia candybar identified by some 4 digit number. At the time I carried it along with a Handspring Edge Palm [...]
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A week ago was Hykel's birthday. After seeing a billboard on the highway (yes, sadly they actually work), she expressed some interest in taking on what is [...]
Sometime before my computer had a complete and total meltdown, I made episode 8 of The Aaron Eiche Podcast. My backup routine fortunately saved it for me, and [...]
This past Saturday (Sept 15) I got to participate in Portland's first annual MakerFaire. I've written about MakerFaires before, but this is the first one where [...]
About a week ago, I had a horrible thing happen. My Mac gave up the ghost. Well, sort of anyway. It didn't really die, but it seemed like it had. I was buzzing [...]
10 minutes with Cory Doctorow