Category: Commentary

  • A way to fix Twitter’s Trolling Problem

    Leslie Jones, one of the stars of the 2016’s Ghostbusters quit twitter last week. She’d been harassed off the platform by trolls with hateful comments. This is not the first time this kind of thing has happened. So I’ve been thinking about how to fix it

  • HTTPS; Get yours today!

    You’ve seen it before, that little lock next to the URL on a website. Typically, we associate it with banking, or online shopping, or something else that needs to be “secure”. I am of the opinion though, that every single website should be using that security. Just this month that became a real possibility via LetsEncrypt.

  • “It’s a Wonderful Life”

    “It’s a Wonderful Life”

    I love this movie. Hykel… less so. I mostly like the first half, everything up to uncle Billy losing the money. In my most recent viewing, I skipped everything after that until the scene where everyone’s bringing George support and money. I’m a big ol’ sap, and get a bit teary-eyed to see George’s friends and…

  • Poor OpSec at the North Pole

    Hykel and I watched Prep & Landing: Naughty vs Nice a couple of nights ago. Everything I’m going to talk about should be ignored mostly because this is a fun Christmas movie about the importance of family. That said, I noticed a whole bunch of poor practices going on in the North Pole’s IT dept…

  • ‘Twas the night before Star Wars

      For some, it’s the Star Wars Day. For me, my showing technically comes tomorrow, midnight actually. I am excited more than I can really describe. In 1999 I went and saw The Matrix, with some friends after school. I knew virtually nothing about it. With how much I love Star Wars, I’m trying to accomplish the…

  • The three magazines of my life

    Print is dead. That’s the first thing I think of when I think of magazines. But on reflection, I realize that I’ve had some special magazines in my life. Special to me, I mean. I don’t know how much of it is being a kid, and getting something in the mail that’s specifically for you,…

  • 10 minutes with Cory Doctorow

    10 minutes with Cory Doctorow

    This past Wednesday, I had the opportunity to go see Cory Doctorow (arguably my favorite author) on the local stop of his tour for his new book Homeland. He had been generous enough to give some local makergroups/hackerspaces a chance to say hello and drum up membership. I volunteered to talk about DorkbotPDX and found myself…

  • Thoughts on Libraries

    My wife works at our local public Library. We started visiting there more recently and I was once again struck at the accessibility and amount of information there. For a time, I had thought that the Internet was a good replacement for the library. Vast amounts of information, easily accessible at lightning speed (literally, electrons…

  • My Mac is not giving up yet.

    My Mac is not giving up yet.

    About a week ago, I had a horrible thing happen. My Mac gave up the ghost. Well, sort of anyway. It didn’t really die, but it seemed like it had. I was buzzing along happily when all of the sudden the video went wonky (that’s a technical term) and then everything froze up. It wouldn’t…

  • A little shipping experiment

    Have you ever wondered about the practicality of shipping costs? Private vs Federal? I have, and last week I took some time and money to figure out what that difference might actually be. It didn’t really start out as an experiment, but I thought I’d give it a shot anyway.