Category: Commentary

  • My Favorite Christmas Specials

    My Favorite Christmas Specials

    I love Christmas. I love it. I wouldn’t pin it on the notion of getting a bunch of free stuff though. That is exciting, but the season and the build up are far better than whatever loot I come out with on the 25th. It’s the whole season. Decorations, lights, music, special candy… and Television Christmas Specials.…

  • School

    Even though this blog is at, I tend not to make it very personal. It’s mostly because I don’t really want to expose most of my personal life to the slings and arrows of the internet. However I made a decision a while back to return to school, and it’s gotten me thinking about…

  • Blurring the Lines in Digital Content Shifting

    I ran into a dilemma today that I never expected to run into and it has to do with fairness when it comes to digital property. I’m an advocate of time-shifting and space-shifting content. When I say content I mean books, movies, TV-shows, games, whatever. Time-shifting refers to the process of utilizing something at a…

  • But *my* phone already does that…

    Today was the iPhone OS 4 announcement/meeting/thing – Basically a press conference for Apple to tell the world how awesome they are. This is not an uncommon thing and the reaction isn’t uncommon, but I am getting tired of it. It goes something like this: Me: “Hey Cool, iPhone OS 4 has multi-tasking in it”…

  • SparkFun Free Day Fallout.

    Well, I tried, and everybody I know tried. None of us made it. It’s unfortunate, but I don’t think any of us are going to die. If you haven’t heard about SparkFun Electronics’ Free Day, it may be that you just don’t care. If you didn’t care, it seemed to me for a moment that…

  • Being a lousy advocate: Me and DRM

    DRM, You’ve probably heard of it. Digital Rights Management. Bane of legitimate users, irritant of illigitimate users, hopeful tool of content owners. By those 3 statements, I mean to simply point out that the DRM effort ultimately fails completely. To the public, it seems like Industry Execs implemented DRM simply because they wanted to prevent…

  • The iPhone Dilemma

    You know I’m an Apple nerd. No one who builds a Hackintosh and sticks it in a G4 cube should be considered anything less than such. Naturally you’ll be able to guess that I’m also an iPhone nerd. I owned 3 phones prior to getting my iPhone. A throw-away Nokia that I don’t remember the…

  • The Second Coming of the Electric Car

    I’ve had a love affair with the Electric Vehicle (EV) for a few years now. I wish I could say I found it on my own, but I really only got into after watching Who Killed the Electric Car? Since then I’ve had dreams of building my own EV, and occasonally dreams of simply buying…

  • Waiting for the E-Reader war to heat up…

    If you would have asked me about e-readers a year ago, I would have told you that I knew Sony made one, the Kindle was pretty awesome, and there were a bunch more that were too expensive and far out to deal with. If you asked me three months ago, I would have told you…

  • Google Chrome is a good idea, but there’s a coming problem.

    With the recent announcement of Google’s Chrome OS, I think the dreams of many of us are beginning to show signs of reality. Those dreams have to do with computers, and how they work. Right now, we’re in sort of a strange limbo when it comes to computers. Many many years ago, computers were not…