About Aaron

Me, at the 2012 Portland Mini MakerFaire.

My name is Aaron Eiche (pronounced “Ike”). I’m a Professional Web Developer in Portland Oregon, and a moonlighting tech hack. My hobbies include: Electronics, Computers, Programming, and Robotics. 

A little History:

I’ve always love computers and technology, but for a long time I was convinced that I just didn’t have the kind of mind for programming. I was blessed to be given an opportunity that required me to stretch my simple web development skills back in late 2005. Over time I learned to develop websites with PHP and Javascript. Eventually, I figured I could actually do this for a living, and I got full time work building websites and apps. In 2007 I married my sweetheart (woohoo!) and I started messing around with programming microcontrollers. We moved to Oregon and bought a house while I have done freelance and full-time development.


I work for Locus Robotics writing software to manage robots. . Aside from that, I do consulting for WordPress, Web Apps, and run Conductive Resistance. I’ve done reviews for Digital Trends. I publish projects, commentary, and podcasts that I make here.

I want to hire you!

I’m flattered, thank you! I’m available for small projects, and gigs. I’m especially interested in experiential entertainment. Please visit aeiche.com to get to know my background. If you have something you think is a good fit, please email me at aeiche@aaroneiche.com and we can talk!

I have a question!

Excellent. I like being helpful! I’d love to answer your question (if I can). I’m happy to help. Shoot me an email at aaron@aaroneiche.com.